Tuesday 8 July 2014

Photo Portraiture 

Diane Arbus

One of Diane Arbus famous portraiture's was done on the Matthaei Family,were the mother "Gay Matthaei" hired Arbus to take a portrait of the Matthaei's. Thinking Arbus was just taking a portrait of the whole family acting happy in the family room, Arbus went on to photographing the teenage's and taking shots showing the 'true' family side of the Matthaei's, that was the teenage's being unhappy and weren't in they place because maybe they couldn't be who they wanted to be as they would of had expections because of their family line. This is why Diane Arbus was famous for doing portraits because she captured the true reflection of the subject showing he/she's true emotions instead of pulling a fake emotion to look nice in the photo.

Matthaei Family

Here is the daughter of the Matthaei family at the time, here was a typical teenage during the 1960's brought up by a rich family. Arbus captured Marcella Matthaei showing her true self, unhappy because her parents were choosing her decisions for her. This is what Arbus was good at, capturing people's true emotions in front of a camera, as everyone smiles nicely in front of a camera, but Arbus got them to show their true self by saying the camera isn't working, making the person drop their pose and revealing themselves.

Identical Twins

Identical Twins depicts two young twin sisters, Cathleen and Colleen Wade, standing side by side in matching corduroy dresses, white tights, and white headbands in their dark hair. Both stare into the camera, one slightly smiles and the other slightly frowns. The photo has been said to sum up Arbus’ vision.
The twins were seven years old when Arbus spotted them at a Christmas party for twins and triplets. The twins' father once said about the photo,'We thought it was the worst likeness of the twins we'd ever seen'.

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